Kindergarten students looking at chrysalis.

Grade-level Spotlight: The kindergarten classes have been learning about animals, plants, and needs in science this trimester. For the past month we have been learning all about Monarch butterflies, their habitats, and what they need to survive. We have been having so much fun hunting for milkweed and watching them grow. We are patiently waiting two weeks while they change into butterflies before we can release them!


Physical Education Spotlight: Every action we take is geared toward achieving our ultimate mission, which is to inspire engaged learning. Learning is the key activity that underpins our vision culture, and commitment to OCSD. We recently concluded our K-5 throwing unit in PE. Throughout our unit, we worked hard to build activities that were relevant to students' interests in order to keep them involved in the learning. We have been collecting student data throughout the unit and are pleased to report that 85% of our kids are at a 3 or higher with less than 4% at a 1.  We acknowledge that this is not perfect, and what we will continue to do is encourage active learning and help students to further develop their abilities in P.E.